Authority Challenges

You have the knowledge, and expertise. Consider creating an Authority Marketing Challenge to help promote your authority.

With our help, we can target a subject related to your business and create a short-term Challenge, a digital Course. The goal is to get your customers to complete the challenge to learn a specific subject  or to complete a specific task.

During the process, your customers, your students, will begin to further see you as the authority that can help them solve their problem, or problems.

If you’re a doctor or a plumber, if you are a lawyer or a gardener, whatever your business is, with the right tools you can get others to see you as an authority that they want to hire.

Call SMF Services today! 954-655-0376.

Register To Take Our “Create An Authority Marketing Video Script In 5 Days” Challenge

This not only demonstrates a Challenge “in action” but will also help you to develop a script for your Authority Video.

You can add your photo where you see the image and the plus sign. This will enable us to better know who is taking our Challenge.

Please be aware that right after you register the challenge will open up on this page in a smaller format. You can review the content.

You will receive an email with a direct link to the Challenge for future use and with the login information that you created.

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