Back End Specialists, We Help You Cultivate Your Leads and Customers for Greater Profits.

An effective way to increase your sales and profits, at a much lower cost, is to sell more to your existing customers.

You know how difficult and expensive it can be to win over a new customer, between advertising, sales calls, and approvals. With existing customers the process is much quicker and less costly. Remember existing customers already know you and have experienced first hand what you offer. Your challenge is to cultivate them and to offer additional buying opportunities.

If the cost for a sale for an existing customer is so much lower than for a new customer, why don’t small companies go after their existing customers more aggressively?

Most business owners have been taught or have continuously heard about the importance of growing their customer list. In addition, many owners have simply not realized the potential that exists in obtaining repeat sales from their existing customers.

Although it is important to still have a process to obtain new customers, we are available to create automated systems that will enable you to obtain repeat sales from existing customers and to also more effectively cultivate obtained leads.

Stay in touch with existing customers to cultivate your relationship and to learn about their ongoing needs. Inquire into their challenges so as to discover existing needs that you can fulfill. It is only by being in touch with customers that you learn about such opportunities.

Create a process to discover up-selling opportunities. A satisfied customer is a great candidate for expanded sales. The customer has respect for your capabilities and ability to deliver.

Promote new products and services to existing customers. Regardless of whether they buy, they can provide feedback and may become buyers for the new product down the road.

Seek out referrals from existing customers. Existing customers can often provide leads to others in their companies or to individuals associated with other firms they do business with. It always helps in soliciting a prospect to be referred by someone the prospect knows and respects.

Existing customers are a potential gold mine for your current business as well as for your company’s future growth.