The video below presents some of the many characters that will be found in our EZ vBooks. There are a lot of things happening during the video so pay attention and perhaps watch it several times.

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This video can not be personalized, however, if you go to the web page noted above you will be able to become part of the stories, mentioned in the storeis and even decide how some stories will end.

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Click Here To Access our Flipping eBook “10 Reasons To Have A Journal”.

Click Here for more information and to purchase the Medical Memories, My Personal Medical Tracker.

Medical Memories enables you to record important health information like Your Medical History, Your Mother’s Medical History, Your Father’s Medical History, Your Medications and Dosage, Your Doctors and Specialists, The Hospitals that you have used, Your Operations, Your Testing History, Medication Tracking, Weight Tracking, Blood Pressure Tracking, Pain Tracking and the recording of other General Health issues and concerns.